It's Halloween Yeah!!
Okay this is the part where I gush in a nauseating manner about my cute kids. Those with sensitive stomachs may want to come back tomorrow. This post will not be scary in any way! Just stinking cute! Here we have a Power ranger Matthew, Princess Brittany and Joshua the friendly dragon
Okay, so Joshua is also Superman. The dragon costume was Matthew's and I thought he should have a new one of his own too. And he can wear this all winter(I know I really have Halloween problems!) But I think Lois Lane doesn't stand a chance against that smile!
And Princess Brittany is loving her ensemble and tiara!
And this is Matthew practicing his seriously tough Power Ranger face. You are scared aren't you?
This is the not so scary Matthew! Don't you love that great spider hat!
Hope you are having a fantastic Halloween and having lots of fun! We are going to!