Thursday, October 25, 2007

We have a winner!

My sister-in-law who has the adorable blog handle of tatting-bug(she loves ladybugs and tats gorgeous things) is the winner! Please ignore the stingy hair, and last vestiges of make-up in places it doesn't belong and just admire my gorgeous tiara that I did wear all afternoon at the downtown trick-or-treat activity in our town. Thanks for all the birthday wishes, they really made my day so much nicer!


Natasha Burns said...

You look so cute there with your tiara! Congrats to your S.I.L ox

Janice said...

Happy birthday. I am just a year younger than you. My dishwasher drain line (the black hose that leads into the disposal) had a lego and pastachio shell stuck in it. If your husband is at all handy, he could probably disconnect it and flush it out. If not, I was only charged the service call from my repair man.

love.boxes said...

You are look'in good there birthday girl!

Sandra Evertson said...

Happy Belated B-Day!
Sandra Evertson