Monday, October 22, 2007

Still Working on the House
Just in case you might have thought the house projects are done around here I thought I would show you just how far I still have to go. Although I do believe a house is never really "finished". I mean where would the fun be in that? So this is Joshua's room "before". It is actually even more green than it looks in this picture and there are two walls that are the darker shade you can barley see in the photo. I don't have a problem with green but that was all you could see in the room. I have some more long-term ideas for this room but the other day I just couldn't stand it anymore and decided to use what I already had. So this is the "after".
I hung a quilt my Aunt Carol made for him on the wall to break up the green. It is hard to see in the picture but is does have a little green in it. Then I took a quilt I made when Brittany was born that had blue and green in the Noah's Ark pattern. And that quilt over the end of the crib was made for me by my grandmother when I was born(think she was hoping for a boy?).

Look how daling the embroidery is on the quilt my grandmother made is. I just had to show this little pink elephant for my elephant loving friend Tif from Loveboxes.
And how sweet is this little lamb?

And all this was done to make this little trouble-maker's room a little cuter. Yes, that is entire new box of cereal he dumped while I was sitting on the other side of the cabinet doing what? Oh, that would be blogging! So I can't totally blame the kid can I? It is a good thing he is so cute though.


Amanda Edwards said...

They are so quick to get into stuff as soon as you take your eyes off them! Maybe he was hungry and decided to fix himself a snack!? My two try to do that all the time..with varying degrees of success! Have a good week Michelle.

Felicia said...

Oh my goodness! LOL

love.boxes said...

Hilarious! Ofcourse I don't have to clean it up soo... :) That little stinker. His room looks cute though.

Janice said...

I have never painted a room before but that is changing in about two weeks. LOVE LOVE LOVE the quilt and pictures.