Friday, October 26, 2007

To Kill A Mockingbird

This is somewhat embarrassing to admit but I had never read the absolute classic. I know, it doesn't speak well of my high school and college education especially as my degree was a bachelor of arts(but boy can I tell you about Homer). So a couple of weeks ago I was in the library looking for something good. Now when I am in the library with my kids I do not have time to browse. It is either something I pick up on impulse or something that I have heard and know for sure is good. That is why I usually reserve my books online. So I had to grab something fast and saw To Kill A Mockingbird. Now if it had had this cute cover it would have been an even easier decision. I took it home and I have really loved it. I can see why it has been read and studied so extensively. I can't even tell you which aspect I liked most. As a parent I really loved the children's relationship with their father. How honest he tried to be with them, and how he tried to shape them into good people. I also loved seeing parenting from Scout's point of view. Then there is the whole racial issue in the book. I thought it was amazing how Lee managed to see all around it, showing that people are many faceted. The same guy who was part of a potential lynch mob became the one member of the jury not to want to convict the colored defendant. I could go on and on, but you all have probably read it long ago. If by some strange quirk there is someone out there besides me who hasn't read it DO! You won't be sorry. I really want to watch the Gregory Peck movie again now. I have started Twilight today. A totally different book. I will let you know if I like as much as the rest of the world seems to!


Natasha Burns said...

Hi Michelle,
What a classic, I love that book. I should read it again. I too didn't read it at school but read it by choice later on. I then hired the film and I have always said that film is one of the best adaptions of a book. The characters are exactly how you picture them in the book, they are cast so well. What is the new book you will read?
If you ever looking for a good read email me and I can send you some of my fave titles.
Have you read The Secret Life of Bees? You'd like that one

liz said...

i thought of you- i was in your neck of the woods (the mall) and wondered how it's going!?

love this cold morning and warm afternoon?

HippieDog said...

Hi Michelle!! My favorite book in the whole world :) Think I'll pick up a copy of my very own :) Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

Kerri W. said...

I haven't read many of the "classics" either (*bows head in shame*), but I'm always up for a new read! I'll have to get this one soon - thanks for the recommendation. (I'm a sucker for a good book cover, too - heehee.)

On a sidenote, there's a birdie swap over at swapbot, and I totally thought of you and your adorable little red birds. :) said...

I hate to admit it, but I went a lifetime without readingit too! I read it this summer for bookclub and loved it, and wondered why I had never gotten around to it earlier.

love.boxes said...

One of my very favorites! ... and the movie is really great too!

Janice said...

I love To Kill a Mockingbird and yes, I did love Twilight even though I am a little embarrassed to admit that.