Sunday, August 21, 2011

It's Over!

Oh, lovely Summer! We are going to miss you! This was my final view of my beloved umbrella at Cherry Hill.

This is how we spend our time out of the water.

One of my favorite things at Cherry Hill is how the kids do things together. Two brothers going down Cardiac Canyon.

Big brother helping the little one with his tube on the way up.

Big sister helping little brother down the Dragon slide.

Now it is all over and I sad. It was such a great Summer full of sun, fun, lazy days, late bedtimes, food that was less than great for us and great memories. BUT on the upside let's welcome the return of schedules, planned menus, bedtimes, a clean house and my Wednesday lunches!


Circe said...

Cherry Hill looks heavenly! But I can't wait for Wednesday!!!!

Amanda said...

Can you believe that in 4 years of having CH passes I have not one picture! So glad you did...but next year...remind a friend to being her camera will ya?

I miss it already but bring on school!