Monday, December 10, 2007

Look! We made a forest!
Well, Sunday Mr. Joshua was not feeling well so he and I stayed home from church and I thought I would get a craft ready for the kids to do with me when they got home. I don't know why, but this is my favorite time of the year to do kid-crafts. Which is nuts because it is the hardest time of the year to find the time to do them. But I saw this idea over on Miss Emily's blog and just couldn't get it out of my head, plus I thought it would be cute with buttons. Well, I like how it turned out so much I thought I would show you how we did it although I need to first correct myself and tell you it really turned into a mom craft with the kids adding the buttons at the end.
So, I drew a cone shape on card stock I already had. I did tape two pieces together to make the bigger trees.
Cut it out and taped it into a cone shape. Emily built her's on Styrofoam cones but I am too cheap.

They had a remnant of the felt by the yard at my Wal-mart the other day so I used that but I am sure the 12 cent squares would work just as well. I cut it into jagged trees shaped strips.

Then with my handy glue gun just kept wrapping it around the cone(this is where it became more of a mom-craft). The first one I did I cut each strip so I know it would work with smaller pieces too. I just kept going to the top and wrapped it right around the top.

Then I hot-glued the buttons I bought in a package, again from Wal-mart all over and tah-dah! My own little felt forest! I like how they are looking with my snowman nativity and I even think they will store well as they fit right inside each other!


Natasha Burns said...

Fantastic Michelle!!! Thanks for the tutorial too!

Anonymous said...

so cute.
I don't know how you find the time!

Alison Gibbs said...

What a fabulous idea Michelle. They look so cute.

Blackeyedsue said...

I am so stealing this from you and doing it with my kids. They will LOVE it!

Janice said...

I'm so impressed. I have no fun doing crafts but I so appreciate others who do. Those are darling.

Circe said...

Love it! I could do that! Maybe. I would get glue everywhere, then tell people that the kids did it. Ruby still remeinds me of the first time I used a glue gun, in her kindergarten class. I think it was her most embarrassing moment. But I love the trees!