Wednesday, August 05, 2009

New Sense and Sensibility

Did you know there is a new version of Sense and Sensibility? You probably did but I didn't. I discovered it at my library so I took it home to try. Honestly I wasn't sure I really needed to see another version of this old favorite but William was out of town and I was working on the scrapbooks I am so far behind on. I told myself I would give it 30 minutes and then if I wasn't enjoying it I would move on to something else. Three hours later I was very happy. It was so well done, with more detail than other versions. As much as I love Emma Thompson and her version this was at least equally enjoyable.
The set the library had also included Miss Austen Regrets. I had just watched that from Netflix last week on Miss Vanessa's recommendation. It explores Miss Austen's possible love-life. I enjoyed it too and would recommend it.


Janice said...

I'll have to check it out.

Anonymous said...



Artfulife said...

I'll have to check those out. Thanks for suggesting them.