What is the only thing more special than being baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on your birthday? Doing it with two of your best buddies.
They would hate me saying this, but aren't they the cutest thing ever?
My boys in white. Neither one like to have his picture taken, can you tell?
The three of us after the baptism. William just won't learnt not to talk when someone is taking a picture.
All of these wonderful people love Matthew and gave up a part of their Saturday afternoon to come support him. We love them all.
Aunt Gloria even came all the way from Minnesota!
Grandma and Grandpa withe their oldest grandson.
With Oma and Opa, still not smiling.
It was a great day. I am so proud of Matthew and the great choices he has made. He is such a sweet boy and tries hard to chose the right. It was a truly wonderful day!
Baptisms are great days.
What a happy day. Matthew is such a great kid. He's one-of-a-kind. Glad everything went so well! Wm is seriously the least photogenic person I know. And he's so handsome in real life! I just laugh. :)
Hi Michelle! that is so awesome! I love to see children who love god! and happy birthday to him too!
Youre a great mother... I can tell!
How wonderful. We just did this with Chris's kids last weekend.
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