Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Inside the Pantry

I hope you aren't getting tired of seeing spots around the house, that is what I have going right now so that is what you get! Today I am showing you my favorite shelf of my pantry. I haven't had a real pantry in a long time so just its existence is exciting for me. Every now and then I happen across a good idea, this is one I think.

I bought rubbermaid containers for things we eat a lot of like pretzels and goldfish crackers. We eat a lot of cracker in this house! Then I found the cutest tins at the thrift store. After a thorough cleaning my Ritz, saltines and graham crackers are much cuter!

This is my favorite tin I found. I put all the Little Debbie snacks that are in there for after school snacks. I love my new system, I don't have to look at as many boxes. Plus I can pretend I don't really buy the Little Debbie snacks! Now I just need to find some more tins!

What is your favorite organizing tip, I need all the help I can get!


ittybittyandpretty said...

my husband just washed out an empty bottle of dimples scotch we got for christmas and poured our olive oil into it. it looks so very nice much nicer than the store bottle. i love finding new homes for things...
those tins are nice, my 7 year old has started her own collection already.
%*_*% rosey

Circe said...

You don't need more containers. You're way too organized already. Would you cut that out? You're making the rest of us look bad.

Circe said...

PS I forgot to give B the Easter egg invite. It's at 9 the 11th. Can't wait for Fri! Yipee!

Michelle said...

Keep in mind I didn't show you the rest of the pantry!

Anonymous said...

looks great Michelle
i love organizing things
have a great day

love.boxes said...

Hilarious. I need to hide the treats as well because I keep eating them instead!

Tracy Nuskey Dodson said...

I empty all of the boxes of fruit snacks, yogurt raisins, individual apple sauce containers in to one big basket. The kids know they are allowed two snacks from here a day so the need to choose wisely:)I used to leave them in the boxes but then Alex was famous for taking the last snack and then leaving the box in the pantry! At least now I know when snacks are getting low.
Have a great weekend!!

Unknown said...

What a great idea!!! They usually have a lot of tins at the dollar store. I see cute tins a lot, different places, but it never occurred to me to use them in the pantry. And I have one for the first time in my life too, :) and I'm 50 yrs old!! :)