Here are my little cowboy and cowgirl on their way to dance their boots off.
Here is Brittany's class dancing.
And Matthews class.
He and his friend got just a little bored waiting though.
I was really impressed with all the kids. Of course costumes make the whole thing more fun!
By the time we got to Saturday we were all glad to have a day to just hang out I think.
Brittany gave Josh some scooter lessons.
I think he may be a natural!

We all went and saw this movie. It was pretty good. Really pretty to look at, the way they portrayed China. Not real heavy on plot, but who really expected it to be. I don't know that we will buy this one on dvd but Matthew really enjoyed the Karate
And today after church the kids picked cherries off our own little tree. They are a different variety than we are used to. Yummy though!
So now we are going to bed early to be ready for the last crazy week of school. Tomorrow Brittany has a swim party at school(well the rec center really), Matthew gets to try school lunch, Brittany has a daddy daughter date with her dad, there is a field day and kindergarten graduation and of course the marvelous last day of school! Man, I am really sleeping in on Friday when it is all over!
What a fun, hectic week you had! good to know about that movie... My son is dying to see it. Maybe we will have to wait until it comes out on dvd.
How fun they get to do square dancing! I remember doing that in 6th grade! good times!
have a lovely week!
What a busy busy life you have at the moment. Not long till they're all at home for the holidays and you don't have to get up and out the door early or watch the clock all day long. Yeay I love the summer holidays.
X Clare
Busy busy lady. I love the pictures of the little one on the scooter, he looks acomplished :)
My 4 year old daughter wants to go to see that movie so bad. She is doing hiyas all the time and trying to sneak up on me and do some of her moves ha ha, she cracks me up.
Have a great week.
Adri xoxo
What a busy week! The Hoe Down looked like a blast, though!:-) How cute...
How wonderful that you have your own cherry tree! What a treat!
I am tired for you. I am so jeolous about those cherries!
I love that you have a cherry tree! Those are lovely!
You probably had the cutest cow-kids in the school. Good luck this week! Your cherries are delightful!
Josh looks so tiny on that scooter!
Hey, did you think that movie was too violent? I wanted to take our baby, but was worried about all the kicking. From the commercials there was a lot of it.
Yay! It's the last week of School. Mark teaches 8th grade and is off Friday (he gets to be Mr. Mom this Summer and help me out) so I look forward to him being home. Which probably means you get the three kids this sure you get a break!
We use to have those class dances in elementary school too..the pics bring back memories. And the one of the boys bored cracks me up...haha! Enjoy the crazy week..Friday will be here before you know it:)
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