Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Tomorrow is Matthew's birthday. His party for his friends is on Friday after school. He wants to have a "swim" party. We don't have a real pool. Wading pool, yes but I don't think 8 kids are going to have much fun splashing around in that very long. So I am hoping somebody out there has some good water games. Anything to do with water balloons besides the normal toss? Any game involving water. Do you think the mothers would think I am crazier than they already do if I let them fish like let my kids here? Come on guys, somebody has got to save me!


Circe said...

Oh, this is so easy. Go buy 10 big squirt guns, fill the pool with water and float the squirt guns in the pool. The boys can spend hours filling up the guns from the water in the pool, although you might have to refill the pool a couple of times. A sprinkler hose attachment will also keep 'em busy. For party favors, let each kid take a squirt gun or look for beach towels on clearance. Sack lunches are also fun for the back yard. We had a party just like this over the summer, but I can't remember why. do you? Maybe there are pictures on my blog. Have fun! Oh, and the other idea is a ten dollar waterslide that hooks up to the hose. I got mine at Target and it had spiderman on it. It's good for hours of entertainment.

Michelle said...

I should have gone right to you Circe you are the queen of parties after all!

Janice said...

Toothsome #2's birthday is tomorrow as well--she is 7.

Anyway, we did the squirt gun thing as well and let that be the party favor. I set up targets all around the back yard and they loved it.

I also filled a TON of water balloons and had hula hoops placed at different distances. They stood in one spot and then tried to get the water balloons in the different distances. Great fun. often has great fun beach towels for cheap.

Sarah Smiles said...

Fishing is great! All kids love fishing. I think your pool is great! Happy Birthday, Matthew! I hope your party is a blast! We miss you!

Mikki said...

My daughter went to a swim party one time, they didn't have a regular pool either. They had set up a wading pool, and a slip-n-slide. I also like the water gun and water balloon ideas. Check out if you haven't already, they usually have really cute birtday party ideas.

Anonymous said...

I have no suggestions..sorry! I was thinking about bday games this week. My son's isnt until Nov. but this will be the first year I will need to have some ready and I have no! lol!
I'll have to get some idea on Sat when we go to a party. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR SON! (Sorry didn't mean to yell) :)

Queen Bean said...

Maybe you could let them run around with those super soaker water shooter thingies. Deana