I watched Iron Jawed Angels this afternoon while I worked on the project I had hoped to have finished to put in the shop today. I will have it tomorrow. This is an HBO film that start Hillary Swank, Patrick Dempsey and a few other faces you will recognize. I decided to watch it after Tif reviewed it last week. You should read her review here, it is much better than mine will be. I didn't know too much about the suffrage movement and I kept thinking that although I knew these women has fought for the right to vote for many years, I didn't think the movie would get too rough. I mean I guess I think of the turn of the century as a somewhat more civilized time. They didn't contend with porn on the Internet, nuclear bombs, terriorts and such. So surely, although I knew no one was going to roll over and just give women the vote I didn't think it would get too brutal. I was wrong. Those women really did literally fight for us all to have the right to vote, something I know I have taken for granted. It was really a good movie, made me think a bit and that is always good! Needless to say I will definitely be voting in the next election!

Last night I stayed up waaaaaay too late watching the end of Cranford, the PBS masterpiece theater series. Loved it! It just might be my favorite Judy Dench movie, and I really liked Mrs. Brown. If you missed it add it to your netflix Que. You can still see it here online too. Some of the witty little one-liners in here just killed me!
I was wondering about Cranford. I will add it to my que. I was sad that I missed it when it was on.. but I am not dependable when it comes to series anyway.. I forget to watch the next part.. so I might as well get it all at once!
Glad you liked Iron Jawed Angels.. I loved it. I love shows about people who are right and have a lot of courage when they must fight for their point of view.
Iron Jawed Angels sounds like a good one to watch.
I thoroughly enjoyed Cranford too :)
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